About Me

I am Pallavi.

I study plant parasitic nematodes using bioinformatics and molecular biology tools.

PhD candidate at UC Davis | Master’s graduate from Wageningen University

I am interested in integrating multi-disciplinary approaches to uncover the biological underlining of parasitism.

Where I come from

I was born and raised in Nepal, home to the tallest mountains and the friendliest people. I grew up in Kathmandu city amongst my competitive cousins at the busy streets of Ason. More about my life in Nepal can be found here.

Besides science and research, I love reading and running.

Work Experience

September 2023

Teaching Assistant

Animal Biology Laboratory (ABI 50)

January 2023

Teaching Assistant

Global Climate Change (SAS25)

April 2022

Teaching Assistant

Nematology (NEM 100)

September 2022

Milestone: Advanced to Candidacy

PhD Candidate Now!

September 2021

Milestone: Started PhD at UC Davis

March 2020

Research Intern at Laboratory of Nematology

Worked on the transcriptomics analysis of Potato Cyst Nematodes. Developed statistical models and modular code suitable for applications such as differential gene expression.

January 2020

Academic Consultant

Collaborated in a team of diverse expertise to investigate the applications of Blockchain technology in organic waste production workflows for Dutch Association of Bio-waste Processors (BVOR)

September 2019

Research Student at Plant Physiology and seed lab

Learned qPCR technique and statistical modeling to highlight the association of four Arabidopsis genes in seed longevity.

August 2018

Milestone: Started Master’s at Wageningen University and Research (Netherlands

January 2018

Admin and Communications officer

Organized and managed training and seminars for national and international volunteers in projects related to livelihoods and Water, Sanitation and Health (WASH).

September 2017

Team Leader in Livelihoods Project

Lead a team of fourteen volunteers to set up 20 micro-enterprises and help raise the daily income of rural farmers in Nepal with high value vegetable production